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2008, Vol.32, No.2

The Structural Relationship of Service Evaluation in Tourism Education of Universities
Choi, Kyuh-Wan | 2008, 32(2) | pp.13~37 | number of Cited : 46
Influences of Travel Constraints on the Disabled People's Intension to Travel: An Application of Seligman's Helplessness Theory
LEE, BONGKOO | 2008, 32(2) | pp.39~59 | number of Cited : 58
The Effects of Perceived Physical Environment on the Affect and Perceived Service Quality in College and University Foodservices
Kim Hyeon Cheol , Soonja lee , 유재흥 | 2008, 32(2) | pp.61~81 | number of Cited : 44
What Praise Means? : A Qualitative Research on the Hotel Employees
Ko, Dong Woo , Sang-Jeong Moon , 이형래 | 2008, 32(2) | pp.83~108 | number of Cited : 27
word-of-Mouth Effect of the Electronic Tourism Information
Yang, Sung Soo , Huh Hyang-Jin , Choi Byoung-Kil | 2008, 32(2) | pp.109~130 | number of Cited : 84
Estimating Determinants of Willingness-to-Visit to the 2012 Yeosu Exposition
Lee Choong-Ki , Seolmin Yoon | 2008, 32(2) | pp.131~148 | number of Cited : 17
Factors Affecting the Perception and Satisfaction of Electronic-ticket Service Attributes in Domestic and Foreign Airlines
KANG HYE-SOOK , 한학진 | 2008, 32(2) | pp.149~170 | number of Cited : 5
Developing a Measurement Scale of Brand Personality for Convention Destination
Lee Tae Sook , Kim Chulwon | 2008, 32(2) | pp.171~192 | number of Cited : 28
An Analysis of Residents' Social Capital Affecting Perceived Tourism Development Impacts in Rural Tourism Villages
Yoon Yooshik , Park Duk Byeong | 2008, 32(2) | pp.193~211 | number of Cited : 47
Effect of Emotional Labor and Social Supporton Burnout of Airline Cabine Attendants
Dongmyong Lee | 2008, 32(2) | pp.213~231 | number of Cited : 76
The Effect of Immediate Supervisors' Bullying on Staffs' Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention in Tourism Corporation
Kim, Sung Hyuk , KWONSANGMI , 양현교 | 2008, 32(2) | pp.233~254 | number of Cited : 25
Professionalization of Tour Conductor through Job Analysis
Choi Young Joon | 2008, 32(2) | pp.255~273 | number of Cited : 11
Determainants of the New Year's Sunrise-watching Traveler's Behavioral Perception
Kim, Seong-Jo , 유창근 | 2008, 32(2) | pp.275~293 | number of Cited : 4
On the Network of the Film Induced Tourism Policies
Park, Yang Woo | 2008, 32(2) | pp.295~317 | number of Cited : 10