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2011, Vol.35, No.8

Effect of Hotel's Cause-Related Marketing on Hotel Image and Customer Behavior Intention
오창현 , 김철원 , Lee Tae Sook | 2011, 35(8) | pp.13~30 | number of Cited : 23
The Relationships between Hotel Employees' Psychological Empowerment and Prosocial Service Behavior: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Role Clarity
Hyung-Min Choi , CHO JAE GEUN , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2011, 35(8) | pp.31~55 | number of Cited : 29
The Structural Relationship between Hotel Brand Equity and Extended Brand Performance
전정아 , Ahn Dae Hee , Chang Pyong Kwon | 2011, 35(8) | pp.57~77 | number of Cited : 19
A Study of Satisfaction on Communication in a Hotel Organization and its Service Orientation
Kim,Bong-Kyu | 2011, 35(8) | pp.79~100 | number of Cited : 15
Cost-conscious SVM-NN Hybrid Model for the Hotel Bankruptcy Prediction
SooYoungKim | 2011, 35(8) | pp.101~125 | number of Cited : 4
The Relationships of Governance Structures, Conflicts and Performance in Foodservice Franchising Systems
전영민 , Kim, Young-Gook | 2011, 35(8) | pp.127~143 | number of Cited : 7
Consumer Perceptions of Blog Service Quality in the Restaurant Industry
이선령 , Yoon Hye Hyun , 남궁영 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.145~162 | number of Cited : 10
Impact on Behavior Intentions of Food Service Recovery Justice Perception: Testing for Moderating Effects of Switching Barriers with Structural Equations
LEE, Young-Ran , Moon-Soo Cho | 2011, 35(8) | pp.163~182 | number of Cited : 8
Structural Relationships among Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Food Service Corporation
Ko, JaeYoun , 이상선 , Yu Yang Lee | 2011, 35(8) | pp.183~208 | number of Cited : 34
The Impacts of Job Insecurity, Job Stress and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention of Commercial and Institutional Foodservice Employees
이정탁 , 신보경 , Kim Hyeon Cheol | 2011, 35(8) | pp.209~228 | number of Cited : 40
Effect of Non Verbal Communication Exercised by Restaurants on Relationship Quality and Brand Loyalty
Kim,Young-Kyu , 추윤경 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.229~242 | number of Cited : 18
A Case Study on the Formativeness of Traditional Table Setting
주선희 , 한경수 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.243~259 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on Concept Revitalization of Brand Bakery: Focused on PARIS BAGUETTE
Chong,Yu-kyeong , 민은아 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.261~281 | number of Cited : 4
Diffusion of Resort Location and Commodification of Resort Space in South Korea
유광민 , Kim, Nam Jo | 2011, 35(8) | pp.283~302 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Perception Gap between Association Meeting Planners and Corporate Meeting Planners
김병관 , 이민재 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.303~322 | number of Cited : 6
Examining the Relationships between Motivation, Satisfaction and Attitude toward the Expo 2010 Shanghai China: Quantitative․Empirical Comparison of Two Conceptual Models
Lee Choong-Ki , Seolmin Yoon , Park Chang Kyu | 2011, 35(8) | pp.323~343 | number of Cited : 33
Comparative Analysis on Selection Attributes of Dealers Depending on Flight Ticket Distribution Channel Alteration and Travel Behavior
이경인 , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2011, 35(8) | pp.345~365 | number of Cited : 4
A Study the Impacts of Gamblers' Risk Taking and Maladaptive Beliefs on the Gambling Behavior
HONG JIYOUN , Cho, Yong-hyun | 2011, 35(8) | pp.367~388 | number of Cited : 6
Forecasting Demand and Estimating the Economic Impact of Walk Tourists: Focused on Jeju Olle
정철 , 정란수 , Lee, Hoon | 2011, 35(8) | pp.389~408 | number of Cited : 25
Rural Tourism Participants' Evaluation on the Importance of Rural Amenity Types and Rural Community Tourism Planning Components
Lee, Jin-Hyung , JEONG DAE YOUNG , Junga Lee and 1 other persons | 2011, 35(8) | pp.409~426 | number of Cited : 19
A Study on the Building of Crisis Management Model for Tourism
유지윤 | 2011, 35(8) | pp.427~446 | number of Cited : 18