The purpose of this study is to examine the actual condition and genderawareness on college lifeㆍcourses of college students with disabilities.
Ninety nine college students with disabilities who enrolled in 25 collegesafter graduating from general high schools participated in this study. Thecontents of the survey included college entrance exam, course work, workexperience, overall awareness in participation to college education process,and overall satisfaction & adaptation on college education. For the dataanalysis, frequency, percentage, mean, SD, chi-square test, and independentsample t tests were used. The results were as follows: (1) 36.4% of thestudents entered into colleges through special screening. The majority ofrespondents reported taking between six and ten courses. Only 26.3% ofthe students reported their work experience outside school and 62.6% ofthem responded that they were not able to receive scholarships.; (2)Through both chi-square test, and independent sample t tests, statisticallysignificant differences between male and female students were found in‘group project participation’, ‘satisfaction level in college life, course, &environment’, ‘goal and reason to enrollment’, and ‘understanding academicexpectation of faculty’. A detailed discussion regarding support for thestudents within the college campus is suggested based on the results.