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2007, Vol.31, No.4

Analysis of National Tourism Competitiveness using the Porter's Diamond Model
Shim Won-sup | 2007, 31(4) | pp.13~34 | number of Cited : 40
A Comparison of Accuracy between Univariate and Econometric Models
Keunseok Song | 2007, 31(4) | pp.35~53 | number of Cited : 4
The Impacts of Social Environment Factors on the Value of Information Searching, Usefulness of Purchasing and Intention to Purchase Internet Travel Products: Focusing on an Extended TAM
JI-EUN OH , Chong,Yu-kyeong | 2007, 31(4) | pp.55~76 | number of Cited : 24
Market Segmentation and its Determinants by participation motivation of Golf Exhibition's visitorsplication of MultiNomial Logit model
소국섭 , kim, hyun | 2007, 31(4) | pp.77~95 | number of Cited : 29
Effect of Travel Agency's Competition Predominance Strategy on Management Performances
bonki Koo | 2007, 31(4) | pp.97~118 | number of Cited : 11
Developing Restaurant Information Word-of-Mouth Communication Paradigm Model Using Grounded Theory Approach
차성미 , Il-Sun Yang , 신서영 | 2007, 31(4) | pp.119~138 | number of Cited : 38
A Critical Research on the Tourism Optimization Management Model : An Experimental Research on the Assessment Procedure Framework of Tourism Optimization Management
KO TAE GYOU | 2007, 31(4) | pp.139~157 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Evaluation of Regional Festivals by Local Residents: Focused on Difference of the Attachment of Regional Community and Effect Recognition on Regional Festivals
고승익 , Sangun Oh , Moon-Soo Cho and 1 other persons | 2007, 31(4) | pp.181~202 | number of Cited : 73
Performance Evaluation for Hotels based on the Fuzzy-AHP Model
Lee, Hyung-ryong , 김창현 , Seul Gi Park | 2007, 31(4) | pp.203~223 | number of Cited : 22
Expectation of Tourists and Residents on 2010 Shanghai Exposition
KEUNSOO PARK , Byungwoong Chung , 진남 | 2007, 31(4) | pp.225~244 | number of Cited : 23
The relative efficiency analysis of Informatization and Hotel Industry
Kim, Dae-rae , Joo, Soohyeon , Jang, Hee-jung | 2007, 31(4) | pp.245~266 | number of Cited : 0
Attractiveness Comparison of the Cultural Tourism Festival using a IPA: The Case of Chuncheon International Mime Festival and Boryeong Mud Festival
Tae-Hee Lee , Kim, Heung-Ryel , Seolmin Yoon and 1 other persons | 2007, 31(4) | pp.267~284 | number of Cited : 30
An Exploratory Consideration of Touring Mt. Taesan from the Aspect of Love
Park,Suk-Hee | 2007, 31(4) | pp.285~303 | number of Cited : 2
The effect of LOHAS Korean Waves on Korea Images and Attitude towards Korea
Joo Hyun-Sik | 2007, 31(4) | pp.305~324 | number of Cited : 74
Determining Factors for Recreation Conflicts Between Walking Visitors and ATV Riders
Park, Joung-Koo , Yihwan Jin , Shim, Jae-Myung | 2007, 31(4) | pp.325~346 | number of Cited : 8
Determinants of Regional Tourism Competitiveness from a Viewpoint of Comparative Advantage
Jung Tae Seo , Choi, Seung-Dam | 2007, 31(4) | pp.347~365 | number of Cited : 11
The Relationships among Empowerment, Organizational Support, Service Recovery, and Performance: The Case of Food Service Industry
Younghwa Kim | 2007, 31(4) | pp.367~386 | number of Cited : 16
The Effect of the Price Discount on Job Satisfaction and Customer Orientation of Service Employees in the Family Restaurants
Daechul Kim , Miran Jung , 박희자 | 2007, 31(4) | pp.387~407 | number of Cited : 22
Differences of the Asset Structure and Impact of the Asset on Hotel Sales by Hotel Characteristics
김재석 | 2007, 31(4) | pp.409~426 | number of Cited : 8
Grammatical Errors of the Sentences of Articles appeared in Journal of Tourism Sciences
김기태 , Byungwoong Chung , Sukbin Cha and 1 other persons | 2007, 31(4) | pp.429~447 | number of Cited : 6
재미학 콘서트
Misook Oh | 2007, 31(4) | pp.451~452 | number of Cited : 4