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2011, Vol.35, No.10

Synthetic Consideration of Urry's Tourist Gaze Theses and it's Criticisms: A View from Eric Cohen's Tourist typology
박상훈 , Kim SaHun | 2011, 35(10) | pp.13~31 | number of Cited : 19
Differential Location Strategies of Resort Facilities by Consumptive Class
유광민 , Kim, Nam Jo | 2011, 35(10) | pp.33~55 | number of Cited : 4
A Review of Tourism Event Research Papers: 30 Years of Journal of Tourism Sciences
손선미 , Kyongmo Lee | 2011, 35(10) | pp.57~72 | number of Cited : 18
Templestay Experiences and Effects: A Qualitative Study
Chun, Byung-gil , 정윤조 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.73~96 | number of Cited : 33
Leisure Desire and Leisure Behavior of the Married Korean-Chinese Immigrant Women
김미옥 , KIM MIN JOO | 2011, 35(10) | pp.97~120 | number of Cited : 17
Administrative Measure for Jeju Tourism Development based on Behavior Analysis on Chinese People
Noh,Hyung-Nam | 2011, 35(10) | pp.121~146 | number of Cited : 0
A Comparative Study of Story Structure between Travel Novel "『ulliver's Travels』 and 『Around the World in Eighty Days』
Young-Kwan Lee , KEUNSOO PARK , Lee, Dong-mi | 2011, 35(10) | pp.147~160 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Crisis Management Strategies based on the Tourism Crisis Typology
유지윤 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.161~178 | number of Cited : 21
Differentiation between Social Class Leisure Consumption in Korea: By Focusing on Art and Culture
한교남 , Beom-Soo Han | 2011, 35(10) | pp.181~199 | number of Cited : 29
Relationships of Marital Discords and Leisure Experience: Sexual Difference? or Personality's Difference?
Ko, Dong Woo | 2011, 35(10) | pp.201~222 | number of Cited : 7
Strategic Perspectives for the Korean Casino Industrybased on Setting up Domestic, Citizen-permitted Casino
오용수 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.223~246 | number of Cited : 6
The Relationships between Boredom Relief Leisure Behaviour and Health/Wellbeing: Focusing on Australian Young Adults
한지숙 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.247~266 | number of Cited : 3
Constructs of Cultural Heritage Interpretation and Analysis of Interpretation Delivery Process
배기철 , 신학진 , 김영성 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.267~290 | number of Cited : 5
The Effect Influenced by Behavioral Interview Training for Undergraduates Looking for a Job
EUIJIN HAN | 2011, 35(10) | pp.291~310 | number of Cited : 5
Asymmetric Effect of Attribute Level Service Performance on Overall Satisfaction
Lee, injae | 2011, 35(10) | pp.311~327 | number of Cited : 6
The Analysis of Relationships between the Residents' the Community Attachment and their Perceptions on Modern Cultural Heritage
Hoosuk Lee | 2011, 35(10) | pp.329~345 | number of Cited : 14
Appearance of Korean Tourism Industry: During the Enlightenment and Japan-ruling Era
한경수 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.349~369 | number of Cited : 6
A Study of Tourism Educational Institution in Korea: Focused on the Emergence and Development Process of Tourism Educational Institution
Choi, Kyuh-Wan | 2011, 35(10) | pp.371~383 | number of Cited : 6
The History of the Hotel Industry in Korea
Chung, Kyoo Yup | 2011, 35(10) | pp.385~401 | number of Cited : 9
Development and History in Food Service Industry
Chong,Yu-kyeong | 2011, 35(10) | pp.403~418 | number of Cited : 21
The History and Assignment of Korea Tourism Information
WooHee Byun | 2011, 35(10) | pp.419~434 | number of Cited : 4
The History and Future Response for Institution and Development of Legal Tourism Site in Korea
Ko, Dong Wan , 권인택 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.435~450 | number of Cited : 6
History of the Casino Industry in South Korea
Lee Choong-Ki | 2011, 35(10) | pp.451~464 | number of Cited : 13
A Study on the Future Strategies of Developing Resorts in Korea based on the Classification of Resort Generation
Tae-Hee Lee | 2011, 35(10) | pp.465~480 | number of Cited : 16
History of Korean Festival: Focusing on the Modern and Contemporary History
Lee, Hoon , 김미정 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.481~499 | number of Cited : 20
Policy Actions to Develop Korea's Tourism Transportation Industry: Lessons from the Past and Prospects for the Future
김경숙 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.501~516 | number of Cited : 3
Historical Review on Korean Convention Industry
김철원 , 허준 | 2011, 35(10) | pp.517~533 | number of Cited : 18