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2008, Vol.9, No.4

Speech Representation in News Translation
Ji-Hae Kang | 2008, 9(4) | pp.7~40 | number of Cited : 24
A study on the honorific expression in translated texts on the basis of the morph-tagged corpus
김혜영 | 2008, 9(4) | pp.41~76 | number of Cited : 9
Roman Jakobson's Translation Theory and AVT with focus on Korean Language Habits
HYUNJU RYU | 2008, 9(4) | pp.77~91 | number of Cited : 15
Comparative Literature and Translation Community
Kyung-Il Park | 2008, 9(4) | pp.93~141 | number of Cited : 9
The Lexical, Syntactic, and Textual Assessment in the Translations of 'Springtime à la Carte'
Park Ocksue | 2008, 9(4) | pp.143~167 | number of Cited : 2
The Ellipsis and Deletion in Subtitling Translation
박윤철 | 2008, 9(4) | pp.169~192 | number of Cited : 22
Aesthetics of Assimilation and Ethics of Difference:Two Approaches of Literary Translation
선영아 | 2008, 9(4) | pp.193~217 | number of Cited : 13
Some problems in Korean and Japanese translation of a Japanese loan-word suffix ‘teki (的)’
손재현 | 2008, 9(4) | pp.219~244 | number of Cited : 7
A Logical Interpretation of an English Sentence in the April 23, 2008 U. S. FDA Press Release
Hyonyung Yoon | 2008, 9(4) | pp.245~267 | number of Cited : 0
The Way of Improving Translated Texts' Quality by Removing ‘Translationese’
Geun Heui Lee | 2008, 9(4) | pp.269~287 | number of Cited : 25
A Case Study of the English Translators of Japanese Contemporary Novels-Translators of Yasunari Kawabata and Oe Kenzaburo
LEE Hyung-jin , Sunhae Hwang | 2008, 9(4) | pp.289~311 | number of Cited : 3
Use of Orwell’s Literary Persona as a Political Engagement in Translation of Animal Farm
Kim, Shin-Hee | 2008, 9(4) | pp.313~346 | number of Cited : 1
Locating Irish Drama Translation in Modern Korean Theater under Colonialism
윤후남 | 2008, 9(4) | pp.347~370 | number of Cited : 0