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2010, Vol.34, No.1

The Introduction of Korean Tourism Higher Education Accreditation: Lessons from the International Trend
Cho Myung-hwan , Kim SaHun , Lee, Jin-Hyung | 2010, 34(1) | pp.11~34 | number of Cited : 6
An Analysis of the Criteria for Journal Paper Writing among Tourism-related Graduate Students
Sukbin Cha , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2010, 34(1) | pp.35~50 | number of Cited : 1
An Exploratory Study on the Collaborative Learning in Tourism Education Using the Action Research Method
양성수 , Koh, Mi Young , 현홍준 and 1 other persons | 2010, 34(1) | pp.51~71 | number of Cited : 3
Theoretical Conceptualization and Research Trends of Sport Tourism In Korea
Kim Jae Hak | 2010, 34(1) | pp.73~94 | number of Cited : 28
Development of the Hedonic and Utilitarian Measurement Indicators for Marine Leisure and Tourism Behavior
Youngjin Lee , Lee, Hoon | 2010, 34(1) | pp.95~114 | number of Cited : 11
An Exploratory Study on the Leisure Competence in Elderly People's Leisure Participation
유광민 , Kim, Nam Jo | 2010, 34(1) | pp.115~134 | number of Cited : 12
An Exploratory Study on the Leisure Behavior of Foreign Students in Korea Using the Inter-cultural Communication Theory
허문경 , Kwon Yoo Hong | 2010, 34(1) | pp.135~154 | number of Cited : 20
An Analysis of Cycle Tourists' Experiences Using the Grounded Theory
Song Young-Min | 2010, 34(1) | pp.155~177 | number of Cited : 32
The Attractiveness of Gyeongbok Palace as a Cultural Heritage Site: An Application of the Important Performance Analysis
Park, Eunkyung , Choi Byoung-Kil , Junghye Kah | 2010, 34(1) | pp.179~194 | number of Cited : 28
Cheonggye Stream Visitors' Differences of Demographic Profiles and Types of Visits Depending on their Lifestyle
황진수 , Chang, Ho-Sung | 2010, 34(1) | pp.195~211 | number of Cited : 14
An Exploratory Study of Tour Conductor's Leadership Characteristics
KIM MIN JOO , Park, Jin-Kyung | 2010, 34(1) | pp.213~235 | number of Cited : 8
An Assessment of the Regional Innovation Capacity of the Tourism Industry-A case Study of GangWonDo and JeollaBukDo, Korea
Hoosuk Lee | 2010, 34(1) | pp.237~254 | number of Cited : 6
The Feasibility for a Whalewatching Tourism Development in the East Sea of Korea: An Application of the Fuzzy Theory
WooHee Byun , 이정열 , Han, Hyoung-Joo | 2010, 34(1) | pp.255~276 | number of Cited : 7
Estimating the Korean Local Festival Market Size and Analyzing the Determinants of the Demand
문혜선 , Lee, Hee-chan | 2010, 34(1) | pp.277~294 | number of Cited : 12
The Influence of Convention Participants' Perceptions to the Destination on their Overall Satisfaction: A Focus on the Brand Personality, Perceived Quality, Image, and Value
김금림 , Choi, Jeong-Ja | 2010, 34(1) | pp.295~318 | number of Cited : 7
The Influence of e-Servicescape on Selective Attribution of the Internet Travel Agency: A Focus on the Moderating Effect of Low Price and Large Brand Preference
Yeonwoo Lim , Yu, Hee Kyung | 2010, 34(1) | pp.319~339 | number of Cited : 9
The Moderating Effect of Social Support and Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Hotel Employees' Emotional Dissonance and Job-related Attitudes
Yoo Yang Ho , 강상묵 | 2010, 34(1) | pp.341~361 | number of Cited : 12
The Effect of a Family Restaurant's Physical Environment on the Customers' Emotional Responses and Loyalty
cho sung ho | 2010, 34(1) | pp.363~385 | number of Cited : 41