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2014, Vol.38, No.8

The Effect of Hotel Employees’ Ethical Leadership on InnovationBehavior Using Structural Equation Modeling:Focused on Mediating Roles of LMX and Employee Engagement
Dong-Woo Koo , Sae Mi Lee , 송승열 | 2014, 38(8) | pp.11~35 | number of Cited : 39
The Relationship between Faculty Trust, Flow on Learning,and Academic Achievement :Based on Perceptions of Hotel and Tourism Students
Kim, Byeong Yong | 2014, 38(8) | pp.37~55 | number of Cited : 18
The Effect of Interaction between Unjust Working Environment and Possibility to Be Permanent Worker on Organizational Commitment and Work Happiness of Contract Worker in Hotel
Kim, Kwon-Soo | 2014, 38(8) | pp.57~74 | number of Cited : 9
The Effect of Brand Personality on Consumer-Brand Relationships, Consumer Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty: A Focus on Starbucks
Dohhee Kim , Yeong Gug Kim | 2014, 38(8) | pp.75~100 | number of Cited : 24
The Effect of Restaurant Products Purchaser's Emotionfor Impulse Buying in Social Commerce
CHUNG NAMHO , 송효근 | 2014, 38(8) | pp.101~127 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Work Centrality on Leisure-Friendly Organizational Culture, Work-Leisure Conflict and Life Satisfaction in Foodservice Employees
Kim, Young-Gook , Sukbin Cha | 2014, 38(8) | pp.129~148 | number of Cited : 9
The Effect of the Emotional Labor on Job Satisfaction andOrganizational Commitment for Food Service Encounter Employment
홍석도 , CHUNG LANA | 2014, 38(8) | pp.149~178 | number of Cited : 21
The Effects of Promotion Types on Consumers' Perceptions andPurchasing Attitudes towards Beverage Products
Yoon, Sun-Oh , Hwang Johye | 2014, 38(8) | pp.179~202 | number of Cited : 6
The Effects of Individual Motivation Factors and Network Externalities on Satisfaction in Restaurant Information Sharing on SNS
Jee-Won Kang , Namkung Young | 2014, 38(8) | pp.203~225 | number of Cited : 20
The Effects of Individual Motivation Factors and Network Externalities on Satisfaction in Restaurant Information Sharing on SNS
Chong,Yu-kyeong , 김민정 , 심희진 | 2014, 38(8) | pp.227~247 | number of Cited : 9
Chinese Tourist’s Risk Reduction Strategies Differences based on their Perceived Risk of Korean Food Restaurants
Sunhee Seo | 2014, 38(8) | pp.249~269 | number of Cited : 16
The Effects of Emotional Value of Consumption of Coffee Shop Users on Their Consumption Propensities and Customer Behavioral Intentions
안세희 , Myeong, So-Hyeong , Yoon,Deok-In | 2014, 38(8) | pp.271~293 | number of Cited : 48
The Effect of Knowledge Quality on Knowledge Sharing and Work Performance: Focused on a Luxury Hotel
Bong, Mi Hee , Seo, Hyun-Woong , Seo, Won Seok | 2014, 38(8) | pp.295~319 | number of Cited : 3
The Effect of Emotional Labor on Job Stress and Psychological Well-being
Kim Hyosil | 2014, 38(8) | pp.321~344 | number of Cited : 30
Understanding the Eating-out Information Use Experience Using Critical Incident Technique: Focus on Comparison among Media
Cha, Sung-Mi , Lee, Hye-Won | 2014, 38(8) | pp.345~367 | number of Cited : 5
An Experimental Study on the Effects of Restaurant Atmosphere,Color and Music on Customer's Emotional Responses,Satisfaction and Loyalty
JO MI NA | 2014, 38(8) | pp.369~395 | number of Cited : 6