This study designed an integral approach to transition education program and subject matters of special education basic curriculum, as a means to improve actual outcomes of adult independent living adaptation ability and special education of students with intellectual disabilities. In this study, life needs included in the IEP data of students with intellectual disabilities were comprehensively analyzed in the order of life domain, sub domain and specific task skills according to the life-centered career education model of Brolin(1993), a transition assessment tool, and selected restaurant skill as the topic of the course. Also in order to set learning goals on the course topic, content elements in each domain and level of social subject in special education basic curriculum, closely related to specific task skills analyzed by the model of Brolin(1993) mentioned earlier, were extracted and supplemented according to the context of course topic. Thereupon in this study, search of restaurants, ordering of food and dining skill were selected as learning goals on the course topic.
In addition, this study designed practically applicable teaching methods and assessment of course topic and learning goals, which had been selected based on the transition education program by Kim, Young-Jun and Kim, Jin-Ho(2010). That is, ecological analysis on the community in which the course topic and learning goals were being carried out was conducted with task analysis on each learning goal on the course topic. Various teaching and learning strategies were configured with process-focused performance assessment methods at the level of integral intervention package. Furthermore in an attempt to functionally intensify and develop the selected course topic and learning goals, follow-up extension activities were devised through intra -subject and inter-subject integration.