This paper analyzes the conditions of the Matsuzawa family centering on Akio, the husband, in the novel entitled "Obedient Warriors," authored by Saburo Shiroyama. Chie’s partiality to Eiichiro, the oldest son, was abnormal,and her discriminatory behavior toward Kenji, the second son, was extraordinary. However, as well as Chie’s abnormally strong obsession, Akio’s vigor less personality could also have a significant effect on what is behind the scenes by which such a family was formed. In this couple, the pattern of their relationships was already foreseen by the events on their honeymoon,where the wife, one-sidedly, took the lead and the husband was just forced to obey his wife. This remarkable tendency in their relationships is gradually uncovered later on. By doing so, the story tries to emphasize a concept to readers, how long the relationship led by this opinionated wife will continue or should this relationship naturally be terminated. As the family head, how could Akio manifest his leadership in the rearing of their children? There exist various scenes in this story where Akio should play the role to stop Chie who goes out of control by simply claiming that the latest child-rearing theory is the best however, Akio is overpowered by Chie as a result. How should this power relationship be evaluated? The story develops so that readers become intrigued as to why Akio has no power over such developments in their relationships. Tracing the story based on the side of Akio could offer an opportunity for readers to consider how important the role of the father is in child rearing.