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2005, Vol.29, No.3

Impacts of the Relationship Features between Airline Companies els on the Perceived Performance
Kim, Hong-bumm , Lee, Jung-Won | 2005, 29(3) | pp.9~26 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Determinants of Social Equity ce Acceptability Judgments of User Fee Policy
박종구 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.27~44 | number of Cited : 13
A Study on Influencing Factor of Hotel Service r’s Service Recovery and Job Satisfaction
SUH,MUNSHIK , 오창호 , 배순철 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.45~66 | number of Cited : 15
A Study on the Factors Affecting on Waiting Anxiety in the Service Industry: Based on Limousin-Service from Hotel to Airport
Kim, Kwon-Soo | 2005, 29(3) | pp.67~84 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on the Scale Development of Hotel’s Brand Equity Using ZMET(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)
Kim Yeon Sun , Kim,Chul-Won | 2005, 29(3) | pp.85~102 | number of Cited : 34
Place Marketing Through Sports Events: A Case of ‘Tour de France’
정옥주 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.103~124 | number of Cited : 18
A Study on the Causal Model of Service Quality, Pleasure, Arousal and Visitors’ Satisfaction in Tourism Event
Kyung Wan Hong , 김현철 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.125~144 | number of Cited : 129
Relationship of The Superior’s Personal Characteristics and Interpersonal Trust Perceived by Subordinate in Chain Family Restaurants
Lee, Hyung-ryong , 김홍기 , Kim Taegoo | 2005, 29(3) | pp.145~164 | number of Cited : 3
Visitors’ Behavior on Exhibition: nfirmation of Importance Perspective
Lee, Hee-chan , 한진영 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.165~184 | number of Cited : 90
The Effects of Korea Travel Franchisor’s Justice and Trust chisee’s Performance
윤지환 , 이영재 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.185~203 | number of Cited : 24
The Influence of Executives’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Effectiveness of Workers Hotel
김근우 , Kim, Won-In | 2005, 29(3) | pp.205~227 | number of Cited : 31
The structural equation modeling approach to the relationships between the residents’ attitude towards participation, status of local economy, and the type of tourism development
Huh Hyang-Jin , 현용호 , 허성철 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.229~250 | number of Cited : 27
Estimating Willingness-to-pay for Destination Activity Contingent Valuation Model
이은수 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.251~269 | number of Cited : 12
Critique of Sustainable Tourism from the Perspective of Daniel Quinn’s Ecological Philosophy
Hwang Hee jeong , Lee, Hoon | 2005, 29(3) | pp.271~290 | number of Cited : 6
A study on the Effects of Perceived Risk and Travel Motivation in Travel Typology Choice: A Multinomial Logit Model Approach
Youngwoo Kim | 2005, 29(3) | pp.291~313 | number of Cited : 68
Study on the awareness of individual and major aptitude in University
Youngmin Choi , Chung, GiEun , 김민자 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.315~333 | number of Cited : 5
A Study On the measurement of Hotel Service Quality Using QFD(Quality Function Deployment): Foused on the importance of Hotel Service Process
Seo, Won Seok , 조성은 | 2005, 29(3) | pp.335~356 | number of Cited : 17
The Effect of Internal Marketing on the Attitude of Internal Customers in the Foodservice Industry
송효분 , Park,Suk-Hee | 2005, 29(3) | pp.357~379 | number of Cited : 104
Developing a Scale for Assessing Convention Service Quality
Lee, Hey-ryon , Kim , Joung Man | 2005, 29(3) | pp.381~400 | number of Cited : 28
Risk Assessment of Tourism Venture Corporation and Effect of Assets on Corporation Value: Focus on KOSDAQ Firms
Kitae Kim | 2005, 29(3) | pp.401~418 | number of Cited : 6