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2008, Vol.32, No.5

The Corresponding Strategy on Blue Ocean of Using by Analysis for Management Strategy of the Food Service Industry
WooHee Byun | 2008, 32(5) | pp.9~30 | number of Cited : 4
Relations among Eating-out motivation, Eating-out Constraints and Eating-out Participation: Theoretical and Structural Modeling
Moon-Soo Cho , Sungeun Lee , LEE, Young-Ran | 2008, 32(5) | pp.31~53 | number of Cited : 14
A Study on the Price Dispersion of the Restaurant Market: Focusing on the Restaurant Menu Items included in the Consumer Price Index
Chong,Yu-kyeong , Kim Young-Gab | 2008, 32(5) | pp.55~73 | number of Cited : 2
The Structural Relationship of Eating-out Motivation, Perceived Crowding, Restaurant Image, and Restaurant Loyalty in Sea Food Buffet-style Family Restaurant
Kim Hyeon Cheol | 2008, 32(5) | pp.75~97 | number of Cited : 19
A Study on Relationship Learning on Relationship Performance in Franchise System of Food Service Industry
No Hyun Park , Yoon Yooshik | 2008, 32(5) | pp.99~120 | number of Cited : 6
A Measure of Service Quality in Foodservice Setting: An Extension and Remeasurement
Yoo jung lim , Kwon, Hyun-Soo , Kim, Young-Gook | 2008, 32(5) | pp.121~141 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on Gender Effects on Customer’s Self-Identification,Relationship Satisfaction and Loyalty in Family Restaurants
YongGu Suh , Lee, Dong-Han , Kim Ji Wan | 2008, 32(5) | pp.143~166 | number of Cited : 16
The Effect of the Perceived On-line Coupon Benefit onConsumption Affect, Brand Attitude and Re-visit Intention
Kim, Tae-Hee , Lee, Jong-Suk , Eun-Young Son | 2008, 32(5) | pp.167~186 | number of Cited : 37
The Study of Relations between Family Restaurant Employee’s Service-Orientation and Customer’s Emotional Response, Attitude and loyalty
Junghak Lee | 2008, 32(5) | pp.187~208 | number of Cited : 23
Differences of Perceived Social Capital on Hotel Employees : Two-step Cluster Analysis
Kim, Hong-bumm , Sanggun Lee , 박종승 | 2008, 32(5) | pp.209~231 | number of Cited : 5
An Analysis of Relative Efficiency of Hotel Company Based on Accounting Information
Yoon Ji-Hwan , CHOI KYUWAN | 2008, 32(5) | pp.233~249 | number of Cited : 11
An Analysis of the Effect of Complaint Handling on Service Recovery and the Perceived Justice of Hotel Restaurant Customers
Chae Sin Suk | 2008, 32(5) | pp.251~273 | number of Cited : 12
The Effect of Hotel Kitchen Work Environment on Job Satisfaction of Cook and Organization Commitment
Sung-Pil Hahm , SON, SUN ICK | 2008, 32(5) | pp.275~296 | number of Cited : 24
The Effects of Hotel Employees’ Brand Identification and Service Value Perception on Emotional Dissonance and Pro-Customer Role Performance
Wha-In Lee | 2008, 32(5) | pp.297~314 | number of Cited : 6
Effects of Training on the Job Performances in the Hotel IndustryDepending on Training Environment and Organizational Characteristics : Cases of the Five Star Hotels in Seoul
Lee, Ki-Sub , Cho, Eun-Jung , Cho, Yong-hyun | 2008, 32(5) | pp.315~338 | number of Cited : 13
Evaluation of Convention Tour Program Attributes for Effective Convention Tour Programming
YOON, SEMOK , Mi-Kyung Kim , Yun, Senam | 2008, 32(5) | pp.339~355 | number of Cited : 9
The Influence of Website Quality and Social Influence on Customers’ Repurchase Intention of Internet Travel Products: Focusing on Mediating Role of Online Hedonic and Utilitarian Values in Internet Shopping
JI-EUN OH | 2008, 32(5) | pp.357~380 | number of Cited : 27
The Effect of the Servicescape on Exhibition Attendees’ Behavioral Intentions in Convention Centers
Lee, Hey-ryon | 2008, 32(5) | pp.381~400 | number of Cited : 51
An Examination of the structural relationships among travel information, an attitude toward a DMO Website and online purchase intention: Focusing on a mediating role of telepresence
Hyun, Yong-Ho | 2008, 32(5) | pp.403~421 | number of Cited : 5