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2018, Vol.23, No.12

An Integer Programming-based Local Search for the Multiple-choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem
Junha Hwang | 2018, 23(12) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 0
Airborne Antenna Switching Strategy Using Deep Learning on UAV Line-Of-Sight Datalink System
Se-hyeon Jo , Woo-sin Lee , Hack-joon Kim and 2 other persons | 2018, 23(12) | pp.11~19 | number of Cited : 1
Data Visualization using Linear and Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Methods
Junsuk Kim , Youn Joo Sang | 2018, 23(12) | pp.21~26 | number of Cited : 1
Edge Preserving Smoothing in Infrared Image using Relativity of Guided Filter
Il-Ho Kim | 2018, 23(12) | pp.27~33 | number of Cited : 0
Noisy Image Segmentation via Swarm-based Possibilistic C-means
Yu Jeong Min | 2018, 23(12) | pp.35~41 | number of Cited : 0
A Implementation of Optimal Multiple Classification System using Data Mining for Genome Analysis
Jeong, Yu-jeong , Choi Gwang Mi | 2018, 23(12) | pp.43~48 | number of Cited : 0
Blockchain Technology and Utilization Schemes in Tactical Communication Network
In-Deok Yoo , Woo-sin Lee , Hack-joon Kim and 2 other persons | 2018, 23(12) | pp.49~55 | number of Cited : 3
Measurement of graphs similarity using graph centralities
Tae-Soo cho , Chi-Geun Han , Sang-Hoon Lee | 2018, 23(12) | pp.57~64 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of Software Product Line Engineering application for Data Link Software
Jin Woo Kim , Woo-sin Lee , Hack-joon Kim and 2 other persons | 2018, 23(12) | pp.65~72 | number of Cited : 2
A CRL Distribution Scheme Minimizing the Time for CRL Processing of Vehicles on Vehicular Communications
HYUNGON KIM | 2018, 23(12) | pp.73~80 | number of Cited : 0
The Security Architecture for Secure Cloud Computing Environment
Sang-Yong Choi , Kimoon Jeong | 2018, 23(12) | pp.81~87 | number of Cited : 4
Implement Static Analysis Tool using JavaCC
KIMBYEONGCHEOL , Changjin Kim , Seongcheol Yun and 1 other persons | 2018, 23(12) | pp.89~94 | number of Cited : 1
Survey on the use of security metrics on attack graph
Lee Gyung Min , Huy Kang Kim | 2018, 23(12) | pp.95~105 | number of Cited : 0
EPD File Generation System Based on Template for Choosing E-paper Contents Layout
Bong-Ki Son | 2018, 23(12) | pp.107~114 | number of Cited : 0
Process Improvement for Quality Increase of Weapon System Software Based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Test Method
Byung Hoon Park , Seo Yeong Geon | 2018, 23(12) | pp.115~122 | number of Cited : 2
The Impact of the Competitiveness of Intermediate Software on Enterprise Results : a Case Study of Chinese Intermediate Software
Zi-Yang Liu | 2018, 23(12) | pp.123~129 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Jaundice Computer-aided Diagnosis Algorithm using Scleral Color based Machine Learning
Jin-Gyo Jeong , Lee Myungsuk | 2018, 23(12) | pp.131~136 | number of Cited : 0
Understanding the Internet of Things: Education and Experience
Jaeseok Yun | 2018, 23(12) | pp.137~144 | number of Cited : 0
Design and Implementation of Road Construction Risk Management System based on LPWA and Bluetooth Beacon
Seung-Soo Lee , Yun-Cheol Kim , Sunghyun Jee | 2018, 23(12) | pp.145~151 | number of Cited : 1
Trend Analysis of Thyroid Cancer Research in Korea with Text Mining Techniques
Tae-Gyeong Lee , Seong-Min Heo , Shin,Seung-Hyeok and 1 other persons | 2018, 23(12) | pp.153~161 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Noise Characteristics of noise occurred when medical examination in dental clinic
Dong-Ha Ji , Lee Yong Groo | 2018, 23(12) | pp.163~170 | number of Cited : 1
Attitude of Social workers toward Withdrawal 0f Life Sustaining Treatment
Lee , Lee Hyen Joo | 2018, 23(12) | pp.171~177 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on DC-DC Converter Development for LRT Wireless Power Supply
Youngjae Han , Soo-Gil Lee , Young-Ho Lee | 2018, 23(12) | pp.179~184 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Relationship among the MBTI Personality Types, Self-Efficacy, Major Satisfaction and Freshmen’s Academic Achievements in Airline Service department
KIM MUN KYUNG | 2018, 23(12) | pp.185~193 | number of Cited : 1
The Structure Model of Service Performance Influence in Knowledge Based Service Business
Yeon S. Ahn | 2018, 23(12) | pp.195~201 | number of Cited : 0
Comparing the efficiency of college and university employment using DEA analysis program
JEONG SEONG BAE , Ji-woo Lee | 2018, 23(12) | pp.203~209 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the relationship between dynamic capability & technology innovation performance
Lim Heonjin , Park Hyun Yong | 2018, 23(12) | pp.211~218 | number of Cited : 0
Development of a Personalized Similarity Measure using Genetic Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering
Soojung Lee | 2018, 23(12) | pp.219~226 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Difference of Price Response in China: Focus on Tier 4 Cities
Youngsik Kwak , Jaewon Hong , Yongsik Nam | 2018, 23(12) | pp.227~232 | number of Cited : 0
The Effect of Information System Quality on Customer Value and Satisfaction in Hotel Comparison Sites
Choon-Moo Kong , JUNG JI HEE | 2018, 23(12) | pp.233~240 | number of Cited : 3
Testing an Irrational Model of Information Privacy Based on Competence Needs Satisfaction
Gimun Kim , Jongsoo Yoon | 2018, 23(12) | pp.241~248 | number of Cited : 0