This thesis treats the power differentials of translation and their solutions based on Richard Jacquemond's model (1992). He offered the problems of translating across power differentials: A dominated culture will be represented in a hegemonic culture by translations that are (1) far fewer in number than their counterparts in the opposite direction, (2) perceived as difficult and only of interest to specials, (3) chosen for their conformity to hegemonic stereotypes, and (4) often written specifically with an eye to conforming to those stereotypes and thus getting translated and read in the hegemonic culture. Analysed 'Statistics of the Overseas Publication of Translated Korean Literatures into many languages' (See Appendix 1) and 'Statistics for the Publication of Translated Korean Literatures by year, language, and country' (See Appendix 2), the imbalance of translation phenomena has been surfaced and classified four kinds as 'quantitative differentials', 'qualitative differentials', 'selective differentials', and 'moral differentials', whose titles were given by the writer voluntarily. Translated knowledge seems transparent but is not, which makes the inequalities between cultures. Therefore, not being the reciprocal benefits can lead the minor culture to the cultural colony permanently.
In order not to degenerate into the dominated culture, the writer suggests the long-term and effective translation strategies regarding the translation situation of Korean texts into English mainly. First, to cope with the selective differentials, it is necessary that the main body who selects the translated texts should recognize the dominating tendency of readership and lead canon(s) in major culture beyond the present. Second, to overcome the qualitative differentials, the translation strategies should be varied with the acceptors' objects and objectives of translated texts. For example, literature translation texts need to translate along with the meta texts to help understand the background knowledge for foreign readers. Third, to find ways out of moral differentials, it is important that translators should recognize and perceive their identity as coordinators, intercessors, and interpreters between cultures. And last, to break through the quantitative differentials, the persons concerning the translation institutes, universities, scholars, translators, publishers and so on should communicate actively, excavate new texts and authors, and supplement the existing versions. Considering above three solutions and various translation strategies, the quantitative differentials can be conquered deservedly.