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2017, Vol.22, No.9

A File System for Large-scale NAND Flash Memory Based Storage System
Sunghoon Son | 2017, 22(9) | pp.1~8 | number of Cited : 0
Constraint Programming Approach for a Course Timetabling Problem
Chun-Sik Kim , Junha Hwang | 2017, 22(9) | pp.9~16 | number of Cited : 2
A Term Importance-based Approach to Identifying Core Citations in Computational Linguistics Articles
In-Su Kang | 2017, 22(9) | pp.17~24 | number of Cited : 0
Softwarization of Cloud-based Real-Time Broadcast Channel System
Myung-Kyu Kwon | 2017, 22(9) | pp.25~32 | number of Cited : 1
Cluster-Based Mobile Sink Location Management Scheme for Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks
Oheomji , Minjae Kang , Ikjune Yoon and 1 other persons | 2017, 22(9) | pp.33~40 | number of Cited : 2
D2D Power Control in the Cellular System: Iterative Algorithm and Convergence
Oh Chang Yoon | 2017, 22(9) | pp.41~47 | number of Cited : 4
A Secure Switch Migration for SDN with Role-based IBC
A SES Alarmed Link Encryption Synchronization Method Having Optimized Threshold Value for High-Speed Video Data Encryption
Kim,Hyeong-Rag , Lee, HoonJae , Ki-Hawn Kim and 1 other persons | 2017, 22(9) | pp.57~64 | number of Cited : 1
A Secure Authentication Method for Smart Phone based on User’s Behaviour and Habits
Geum-Boon Lee | 2017, 22(9) | pp.65~71 | number of Cited : 1
A Design and Implementation Mobile Game Based on Kinect Sensor
Won Joo Lee | 2017, 22(9) | pp.73~80 | number of Cited : 0
An In-depth Analysis and Performance Improvement of a Container Relocation Algorithm
Hyung-Bong Lee , Kwon Ki Hyeon | 2017, 22(9) | pp.81~89 | number of Cited : 0
Dynamic Service Composition and Development Using Heterogeneous IoT Systems
Minwoo Ryu , Jaeseok Yun | 2017, 22(9) | pp.91~97 | number of Cited : 0
Utilizing Integrated Public Big Data in the Database System for Analyzing Vehicle Accidents
Gun-Woo Lee , Tae-ho Kim , Songi Do and 2 other persons | 2017, 22(9) | pp.99~105 | number of Cited : 1
Medication Reminder System for Smart Aging Services Using IoT Platforms and Products
Nak-Myoung Sung , Jaeseok Yun | 2017, 22(9) | pp.107~113 | number of Cited : 1
Subjectivity study on the type of wearing brassiere in female college students -focused Q methods-
Cha Su Joung | 2017, 22(9) | pp.115~123 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of factors affecting career preparation behavior - Based on the recognition of college students -
Lee Sook Ja , Kweon Seong Ok | 2017, 22(9) | pp.125~132 | number of Cited : 2
Types of perception on the body shape of middle-aged women
Cha Su Joung | 2017, 22(9) | pp.133~140 | number of Cited : 1
Effect of Health Education Program on the Ego-identity, Social problem-solving ability and Self-leadership of Health college students
Choi Ye sook , Oh eun young | 2017, 22(9) | pp.141~148 | number of Cited : 1
Study on bubble detection sensor for safe sap and blood injection
Young Gi Yun , Hoo Young Lee , park koo rack | 2017, 22(9) | pp.149~154 | number of Cited : 0
An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Intention to Use B2B e-Marketplace
An Youngsin , HaeSool Yang | 2017, 22(9) | pp.155~161 | number of Cited : 0
The Effects of Psycho-social Variables on Consumers' Fair Trade Practice Behavior
Huh, Eun-Jeong | 2017, 22(9) | pp.163~170 | number of Cited : 0
The Relationship between Counselor’s Emotional Labor and Psychological exhaustion : The Moderating Effects of Social Support
Ahsung Kim , Geunmok Im , Huigon Jung | 2017, 22(9) | pp.171~177 | number of Cited : 2
The Relationships among Occupational Identity, Occupation Satisfaction Job Commitment of Care Workers in Care Hospitals - Focusing on moderating effects of personal characteristics
Hwie- Seo, Park | 2017, 22(9) | pp.179~185 | number of Cited : 3
Development of Scale Tools for Measure Programming Task Value and Learning Persistence at Elementary School Students
Kim Ji Yun , Lee Taewuk | 2017, 22(9) | pp.187~192 | number of Cited : 0