The aim of the present study is to provide information on the occurrence frequencies of first grade Korean language textbooks of elementary school. Information on phoneme and syllable frequencies of Korean language textbooks’s words is a fundamental data to special education teacher and speech/language pathologist. Pronunciations of all words were manually checked, and SynKDP 1,5,2 was used to calculate the phoneme and syllable frequencies.
A total of 156,261 phonemes and 72,556 syllables were observed from textbook’s words. In all of phonemes, Vowel frequency was 72,556(46.43%), consonant frequency was 83,705(53.57%). Among 36 phonemes, /a/ showed the highest frequency, and /ɰ/ showed the lowest frequency. Among 19 consonant, /l/ occupied the highest frequency, and /n/, /k/ /m/, and /p/ were next rankings, in that order. The lowest frequency of consonant were /p’/. Among 17 vowels, /a/ occupied the highest frequency, and /i/, /ɯ/, /ɛ/ and /o/ were next rankings. A total of 3,105 syllable type were observed. The highest frequency of syllables were /ta/, and /ka/, /rɯl/, /nɯn/, /ha/, and /i/ were next rankings.`Information on the phoneme and syllable of language textbook of elementary school is a essential knowledge. Therefore, this type of information is useful for special education teacher and speech/language pathologist.