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2015, Vol.16, No.2

Validation of Achievement Goal Orientation Scale for Students with Cochlear Implant
Song, Hey-Gyoung | 2015, 16(2) | pp.1~18 | number of Cited : 1
The Effects of Class-wide Positive Behavior Support on Young Children’s Problem Behavior and Social Competence
최진화 , 류명옥 , Jina Noh | 2015, 16(2) | pp.19~42 | number of Cited : 39
A Study on Emotional Recognition of Delinquency and Autism Spectrum Disorder Adolescents
이강선 , Hyo-Shin Lee | 2015, 16(2) | pp.43~58 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the Perception of Health-Care Social Enterprise among Students with Visual Impairments, Iyro Teachers and Masseurs
Park, Young Joon , Lee Hae-Gyun | 2015, 16(2) | pp.59~78 | number of Cited : 1
Study on RAN and Number Sense in Children at Risk for Math Learning Disabilities
Kim, Jakyoung , Kang, HyeJin , Kiju Kim | 2015, 16(2) | pp.79~96 | number of Cited : 14
Exploring Experts' Opinions on Current Status and Perspectives in Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
Kim, Young-seok , Chung Dong-young | 2015, 16(2) | pp.97~120 | number of Cited : 13
A Study on Permanency Planning of Parents for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Kim Doo-Young | 2015, 16(2) | pp.121~147 | number of Cited : 20
A Study on the Special Education Identity through Education Welfare Program
Kim, Namjin | 2015, 16(2) | pp.148~168 | number of Cited : 7
A Study of Disabled Children’s Parents’ Participation through a View of Disability Studies
An sangkwon , 임미향 , KANG, JONG-GU | 2015, 16(2) | pp.169~186 | number of Cited : 4
Effects of Game Play on Self-Regulation and Maladaptive Behavior of Children with Learning Disabilities
KWON, MI YOUNG | 2015, 16(2) | pp.187~211 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Dyslexia Research
Yong-Wook Kim , WOO JEONG HAN , Lee, Jin Ok | 2015, 16(2) | pp.213~242 | number of Cited : 30
Perceptions of Special Education Teachers on the Vocational Textbooks Utilization for Students with Developmental Disabilities
Min, Seo-jeong , Jongnam Baek , Lim, Kyoung-won | 2015, 16(2) | pp.243~265 | number of Cited : 15
A Study on the Effect of Language Intervention through Applying Storybooks to the Children with Special Needs
이명숙 , Jeon Byung Un | 2015, 16(2) | pp.267~296 | number of Cited : 13
Needs of Teachers and Parents of Disability Experience and Integrated Camp Program to Improve the Disability Awareness of General Students
Daeyoung Jung , 송미진 , 이상로 | 2015, 16(2) | pp.297~322 | number of Cited : 4
Analysis on the Status of Science Experiment Classes in the Schools for the Visually Impaired
함동혁 , Lee Hae-Gyun | 2015, 16(2) | pp.323~342 | number of Cited : 2
The Effect of Group Art Therapy on Employment Stress, Coping Strategies, Social Support in a University Students with disabilities
Lee hea suk , Kyunghee Park , Song Mi-Jung | 2015, 16(2) | pp.343~364 | number of Cited : 3
The Analysis on Structural Relationships between Friendships of School Age and Identity of Hearing Impaired College Students
Choi, Sung Kyu , 이정우 , Kim, Eunjung and 1 other persons | 2015, 16(2) | pp.365~389 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis on orientations of Korean sign language
Sangbae CHOI , 이한나 | 2015, 16(2) | pp.391~408 | number of Cited : 7
Study on Preliminary Standardization of a Korean Version of Early Screening Project for Preschoolers with Emotional and Behavioral Problem
Jin Heung Shin , SHIM,Woo-Jeong | 2015, 16(2) | pp.409~434 | number of Cited : 6
A Literature Review of Intervention Studies to Promote Student Participation in Individualized Education Plan(IEP) Meetings in U.S.
Seo, Hyo Jeong , Park Youn-jung | 2015, 16(2) | pp.435~464 | number of Cited : 17
Research Analysis on Intervention Studies for Preschoolers from Multi-cultural Families
Lee Sang-Hee , Lee, Younwoo | 2015, 16(2) | pp.465~491 | number of Cited : 15
The Effect of Inclusive Classroom-Related Social Support on the Sense of Alienation and Self-Determined Behavior of Undergraduates with Disabilities and Non-disabilities
MiRa Kang | 2015, 16(2) | pp.493~519 | number of Cited : 6
The effects of parent education program applied action learning for preliminary special educators on teacher efficacy and the view of parents
Kim Ki Ryong , Lee Weon-hee , Kwak Seung Chul | 2015, 16(2) | pp.521~550 | number of Cited : 14
Comparative Analysis of Theta and Alpha the Relative Power Spectral Activation Difference between Middle School Students with and without disabilities during Classification Task
Kim Yong-Seong , Jeong, Jin-Su | 2015, 16(2) | pp.551~572 | number of Cited : 5
Perceptions of Teachers in High School Special Classes on the Status of Academic Assessment – focused on Seoul City
Eunju Jung , Ryu, Guisung | 2015, 16(2) | pp.573~596 | number of Cited : 13
The Effects of Literary Therapy Program on the Internet Addiction of Children for EBD - with a Focus on League of Legends -
Sungbum, KIM | 2015, 16(2) | pp.597~626 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Individualized Positive Behavior Supports on Behavior Problems for Students with Mental Retardation in Elementary School
김갑상 , Kook, Mi-Jin , Lim. Eunsook and 1 other persons | 2015, 16(2) | pp.627~647 | number of Cited : 17
An analysis on awareness types of college students without disabilities toward college students with disabilities
Seo Bo Soon , Park Jae Kook | 2015, 16(2) | pp.649~679 | number of Cited : 8
A pilot study on the feasibility of the Stress Perception Measure (SPM) for students with intellectual disabilities
김효선 | 2015, 16(2) | pp.693~714 | number of Cited : 1